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Cryson Chinhondo

Senior Sergeant, Alpha 1

Cryson Chinhondo joined Malilangwe in 1994 after being chosen to be a scout in the Malilangwe scouts selection course. He was promoted to Corporal and then promoted again in 2003 to Sergeant. During this time, Cryson was one of the scouts on rotation to man the communications centre at Malilangwe Head Quarters, commonly known as Alpha 1. Proving to be the most efficient in this role, he was given the full-time position of Alpha 1. In 2009, Cryson was promoted to Senior Sergeant.


Cryson’s role as Alpha 1 is primarily as the communication hub for all Malilangwe’s radio traffic, including emergency communications and ground to air radio exchanges. He serves an administrative function for Malilangwe’s security.


Cryson takes great pride in his key role as Alpha 1, and has always had an interest in wildlife.