At Malilangwe we take care of our own. Our people are family.
At Malilangwe we take care of our own. Our people are family.
Tsuvuka Clinic on the Malilangwe Estate provides a health service to all employees and their resident dependants.
The clinic nurse oversees treatment, case management, and disease prevention to ensure that patients have a complete recovery or are referred to hospital where necessary. Services available at Tsuvuka Clinic include family planning, basic drug dispensing, a visiting doctor once a week, and blood sugar, malaria, cholera, and HIV/AIDS testing.
Health and hygiene lectures are given to staff, and to girls attending Girl Child Empowerment Trust courses. Information on diseases is disseminated through notices, counselling by trained staff and workshops. HIV/AIDS awareness workshops, and monthly baby clinics, are conducted on reserve.
Basic First Aid training is regularly provided by consultant, Sister Ruth Dabbs, and Advanced First Aid training is conducted on the reserve by a contracted ambulance service.
An environment for wellness has been created with sport and recreation facilities. These include soccer fields, volleyball, netball, gym, tennis courts, swimming pools, playgrounds and communal halls.
The Malilangwe Trust sponsors an annual event called The Malilangwe Rhino Trophy Tournament for the surrounding community schools. The tournament provides an outlet for the children to have sporting fun, and a conservation message is interwoven in the games.
Seasonal vegetable gardens provide fresh produce, which is available for staff to purchase on a cost recovery basis.
The gardens are tended by staff members, who are trained in irrigation, composting, crop rotation and general care of plants.
Dedication to Sister Winnet Chiutare RGN
During her tenure with Malilangwe from 2008, until her death in January 2021, Sister Winnet Chiutare was a shining light and patriot for the health and well-being of Malilangwe’s people. Her friendship, wisdom, counsel, camaraderie, and humour shall be sorely missed. We pay tribute to this remarkable woman for all her achievements and all that she was.
Sister Chiutare maintained very high standards and was actively involved in the dissemination of health information, case management, and disease prevention, with a special focus on HIV/AIDS and malaria. She was integral in the expansion of Malilangwe’s clinic and its registration, making it the incredible health facility that Malilangwe has today. Winnet networked with the Ministry of Health to achieve 90 to 100% drug availability for the clinic every year, allowing her to treat patients in the best way possible.
Winnet had a deep sense of care for everyone whom she encountered, with a genuine heart of love and empathy for people, she was a wonderful support to those who needed her encouragement and nurturing. These characteristics contributed to her being fondly known as “the mother of Malilangwe”.
“People are important to me and I like to mentor those who know what they want so that I can encourage the community around me to better their own lives. I encourage families to educate their children and I counsel people to make better lifestyle choices.”
– Winnet Chiutare