Alone we are a blade of grass, but together we are the mighty baobab.
Alone we are a blade of grass, but together we are the mighty baobab.
The Malilangwe Trust partners with sector-specific experts, key organisations, and government stakeholders to achieve synergy for our conservation and community development work. We actively collaborate and share our knowledge for industry best practice with other stakeholders around the world.
Tusk is a British non-profit organisation that helps to protect African wildlife. They are a valued charitable partner of The Malilangwe Trust and support us on specific projects.
The African Community and Conservation Foundation (ACCF) is a United States based charitable organisation raising funds for conservation and community development in Africa. They are The Malilangwe Trust’s charitable partner for donations.
Singita is a conservation and ecotourism brand that has been preserving African wilderness for over 25 years, offering guests an exceptional safari experience with multiple luxury, award-winning lodges and camps across four countries in Africa. They are The Maililangwe Trust’s long-standing ecotourism partner.
The Wildlife Capture Africa Trust (WCAT) offers the Malilangwe Course in Chemical and Physical Restraint of African Wildlife. It is an intensive 10-day training course hosted in February each year on the Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve. Over 350 attendees from the veterinary science field have been trained in the practice of safe and effective chemical and physical restraint of large wildlife and graduates now practice in over 15 countries around the world. Malilangwe is a proud founding Trustee of this prestigious course.
The Girl Child Empowerment Trust (GCET) create consciousness and active participation in the upliftment of the girl child, raising awareness of issues impacting girls and creating a common platform for communicating their needs.